Saturday, May 22, 2010

Rasika’s Concert-Richmond, VA.

Rasika’s concert was a fundraiser for the Mahila Adhyayan Kendra in Dewas, India. This is our third event of this year and the response was encouraging. Aparna and Kiran coordinated the display and sales table. We received a suggestion during this event from some people, that we need to have a formal representation for Heart2Heart to make program announcements. We will need badges, a better 'elevator speech' for every member of Heart2Heart and some brochures. We learnt the value of good presentation and proper re-presentation in this program.
Something worthy is to come from the 'lessons learnt'. Will keep you posted.

Monday, May 17, 2010

First contribution of Heart2Heart

We donated $250.00 to Doctors without Borders supporting the cause of Haiti’s relief and rehabilitation today. Thanks to Printer's Mark, Richmond, VA for absorbing the first printing cost. It was a much humbling and a fulfilling experience for all of us. May all beings be happy and peaceful. May there be joy and healing. May Mother Earth be healed and whole again.