Monday, October 4, 2010

We are now accepting card orders !!


We are now accepting orders for your festival cards and no order is too small. Therefore get in touch with us and we will be glad to talk with you. Please consider to let us customize the inside pages of our cards with your message and a logo. You will be making a big difference for two main reasons. First of all the money that you pay to get your cards printed, customized etc. will the donated to Doctors without Borders. Secondly since the cards are printed locally in Richmond-VA a small portion of your dollar amount will be used locally. Even if you are outside of Richmond-VA, you still donate a chunk of your money to Doctors without Borders. Now that is celebrating with a true festive spirit !! A Win-Win to everyone involved.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to drop us an e-mail to discuss options, possibilities. We look forward to be working with you. If you know someone who might be interested, then please spread the good word.

A heartfelt 'Thank You' to all those good Samaritans who are already supporting this great cause.

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